Thursday, February 19, 2009

week 6 thusfar

Quick recap:
Monday, Sean and I went to our favorite restaurant, Antojitos Tomy where I'm pretty sure the waiters know us and what we want to eat by now, and then to our favorite panderia (bread store) and I got two huge loaves of fresh baked bread and flan for 21 pesos ($1.50). Then he left and I ventured around Puebla to the market to do some grocery shopping for the week. All of the vegetables, fruit, and grains are fresh and really really cheap. I think I spent around 60 pesos (about $4) for an entire bag of food that will probably last longer than a week. Needless to say, the bad was REALLY heavy. I was walking to the bus stop to take it back to campus, and knew the intersection was 4 and 9, but couldn't remember which direction of 4 and 9 is was. Norte, Sur, Poniente, Oriente. so I walked around. And around. And around. Until finally I just said "okay, I know how to get there from the Zocalo, so I'll just go there and take the route we always do". It was long and grueling, but I think I've finally figured out Puebla's layout and plus, I found a new artisan market along the way.
Tuesday, I had to finish grocery shopping that I couldn't do at the market, like milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. Not exciting.
Wednesday, about 15 of us went out because today is Chris' birthday. We went to a really nice restaurant in the mall and watched the Puebla soccer game. I asked the waiter how to pronounce BeerBQ Chicken pizza and he just looked at me and said "BeerBQ Chicken". "Oh" Everything was really good, but extremely expensive, especially compared to the prices of food we're used to. Chris and a few others shared a beer tower that was 3 liters, and about 3 feet tall with a tap. It was pretty interesting. Apparently they have those in the states too, but I had never seen them before.
In other news, the girls on our floor are actually starting to talk to us. It's not as akward as before. Kayla and someone else were racing them in Mario Kart the other night, and they've invited us to go out with them a few times, we've just never gotten our plans straight and missed them every time, but hey, it's a start. Stephanie moved to the second floor. Josh went back home to Las Vegas, Sean and Fionna may be moving to a homestay. There's a lot of changes going on in the USAC program!
I want to go somewhere this weekend, but a lot of people don't want to go, because we have our final exam on Monday for 305, and other people are worried about finances. But if it's just a day, I think it'll be alright.

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